Monday, June 7, 2010

Train rant again

If there's lots of room, I'll always put my bag on the seat. If there's around 20 seats free in a carriage, I'll take the bag off the moment I sense someone assessing the seat next to me.
Today, someone put their bag on the opposite seat, and hadn't noticed the fact that I was hovering for 5 seconds (hey that's a long time for a hover). Not only did they not notice, but I actually had to say something.
Cmon, some people are so in their own worlds. I mean, I'm pretty selfish, but there's a basic courtesy that most aussies adhere to. Is it non aussie we're dealing with here?
Or just the arsehole aussie population?

ps. Yes I'm aware it's much worse in other countries, but I'm living here dammit!

1 comment:

Oliver said...

Wow, lot's of train ranting going on. I don't miss Sydney's terrible public transport at all...